What's included?

  1. - Key name
    - Key value
  2. - Log date
    - User ID
  3. - Date Last Logged user
    - Last Logged user
    - Name
    - OS Name
    - OS Version
    - Architecture Name
    - UUID
    - User ID
    - Memory
  4. - Login
  5. - Description
    - Disksize
    - Name
    - Type
  6. - Architecture
    - Boot Time
    - DNS Domain
    - FQDN
    - Full Name
    - Host ID
    - Kernel Name
    - Kernel Version
    - Name
    - SSH Key
    - Version
    - Name
    - Offset
  7. - Asset tag
    - Bios Release Date
    - Bios Manufacturer
    - Bios Version
    - Motherboard Manufacturer
    - Motherboard Model
    - Motherboard Serial Number
    - System Manufacturer
    - System Model
    - System Serial Number
  8. - Description
    - Capacity
    - Type
    - Speed
  9. - Caption
    - Description
    - Type
  10. - Name
    - Manufacturer
    - Type
    - Power
    - Version
  11. - Volumn
    - Total
    - Free
    - File System
    - Type
  12. - Architecture
    - Core
    - Family Name
    - Family Number
    - Manufacturer
    - Model
    - Name
    - Speed
    - Thread
  13. - Resolution
  14. - Resolution
    - Lens Facing
    - Flashunit
    - Image formats
    - Orientation
    - Focal length
    - Sensor size
    - Manufacturer
    - Video resolution
    - Supports
    - Model
  15. - Description
    - Driver
    - IP Address
    - IP Address 6
    - IP DHCP
    - IP Gateway
    - IP Mask
    - IP Mask 6
    - IP Subnet
    - IP Subnet 6
    - MAC Address
    - Speed
    - Status
    - Type
    - Wifi Access point MAC Address (Wifi BSSID)
    - Wifi Access point (Wifi SSID)
  16. - Key
    - Value
  17. - Name
    - Language
    - Vendor
    - Runtime
    - Home
    - Version
    - Classpath
  18. - Name
    - Comments
    - Version
    - Filesize
    - From
    - Installation date
    - Folder
    - No remove (if the software can be removed or not)
    - User ID
  19. - Class
    - Product ID
    - Vendor ID
    - Subclass
    - Manufacturer
    - Caption
    - Serial
  20. - Chemistry
    - Temperature
    - Voltage
    - Level
    - Health
    - Status
    - Capacity
  21. - Driver

Sample of files generated


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